Saturday, March 25, 2006

Very busy Saturday.

We had a date to see the children's play at the Towsend Theatre in the morning with Melissa (the mom), Gustavo (Guga) and Milla (Nadia's friend from Gymboree). We had the greatest time. The kids really enjoyed the play. We are so glad we live in a children's friendliest city in the country, Ann Arbor.. so much to do for kids.
We stopped by at Mcdonalds, Guga fought for Nadia when a reaaly bad 3 y.o pushed Nadia on her stomach with his foot. Nadia hugged guga for a long time, they stared each other for like 2 minutes, that was the cutest ever.... Nadia thinks Guga is her hero. Guga would take Nadia's shoes off and hold her hands, forgetting that he has sister, Milla.
In the afternoon after nap, they came over with Luca's family for family gathering. It was one wonderful day. Luca's mommy is pregnant and we threw little baby shower. Nadia loves Luca's daddy, Chris.

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