Sunday, July 08, 2007

New toothbrush

We spent good time at the supermarket today, Aidan, me, Ammar and his little princess, Nadia.
As we promised her, we stopped at the toothbrushes section since she has been asking for the powered toothbrush Ammar and I both use everytime. We tried to convinced her to get the Oral B ones, but she loves Dora ones which made by Colgate, so we got Dora one.

Before bed, she excitedly trying the new toothbrush, of course, after she spent time 4 minutes in front of the mirror brushing her teeth, I brushed her teeth, too. It tickles her ans she laughed and said it's tickle.
Nadia asked me to brush her self again... I let her...
She enjoyed the tooth brush, when she brushed her top teeth, she said to me : "MY BRAIN IS SHAKING!!!"


Anonymous said...

hua ha ha ha haaaa..... gw mo ngakak dengernya......... si Nadia ada ada ajah....... he he heeee....... tapi gw admire gigi-nya Nadia. Good Job Dokter Sari!

Sari said...

Gue suka protes tuh sama si Ammar, soalnya kadang dia suka lupa sikatin giginya nadia... so far, no cavities....!!!!