Monday, September 10, 2007


Dr. Sandvig talked to me about Aidan. Nadia sat down nicely in the office room.

Dr. Sandvig : "So, does Aidan get any formula ?"
Me : "Oh no.. Aidan ? No way. He doesn't even suck on pacifier."
Dr. Sandvig : "That's great, but it's a bummer for you, huh ?"
Me : "Yes, but I don't mind. He eats good solid food, too."
NADIA : "BUMMER ?" (with sparkling eyes, looking to Dr. Sandvig)
Dr. Sandvig (covering her mouth, smiling, laughing, scared!) "Oh.. no.. I should have not say that word."
Nadia : "Bummer!!! Hahaha"
Dr. Sandvig : "Nadia, do you know what bummer means ?"
Nadia : "oh no..."
Dr. Sandvig : "Yes.. it's like saying Oh No.."
Nadia : "I like bummer!!!!"
Dr. Sandvig : (Saying it to me, laughing...) "I just taught her new word.. hahah"
Nadia : "I am cotton candy the horse" (sitting up on the chair)
Dr. Sandvig : "What does the horse say, Cotton Candy ?"
Nadia : "Bummer!!!!"
Dr. Sandvig (laughing) and we both watching her turning around on the chair.
Nadia : (she was looking down as if she was on the cliff) and said : "Oh... boobie trap!!!"
Dr. Sandvig : (laugh outloud, she was so entertained by Nadia ) "Oh, she is so much fun and so funny"

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