Saturday, March 15, 2008

Sticky tapes

Ammar got so irritated when he had to take all the balloons and all the decorations in the house left over from Aidan's first birthday party. For some reasons the double tapes I used were so sticky and it was so hard to take them off.

Ammar (grumpy) : "Why you use the double tapes ? Look how difficult to take this 'stupid' tape off!!!!!"
Nadia : "daddy, you said bad word!!"

We worked again... 

Ammar : "I hate this 'stupid' tape!!!!!"
Nadia : "Daddy, you said bad word again. Besides, it is not 'stupid' tape, it's 'sticky' tape"

At that time Ammar was not laughing... at night when I mentioned about it, he laughed and laughed.. both laughed until days after.

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